Refer to our
page to understand
how human perception is "paradigmatic", how we are limited
by a personal "sphere of awareness" and how we react to life
with our hard-wired thinking habits.
Evidence shows that
creative intelligence is not so much defined by what we
think - as HOW we are thinking it.
As such, we tend to
forget (if we ever knew) that thinking creatively means
by-passing our brain/mind's fixed memory-patterns by
changing our way of seeing.
We can explore our
potential by "thinking" in many different "creative styles"
- each of which will
cause new interactions
with the neurons in the brain and forge new neural links.
Paradoxically, some new
links will look like contradictions. Paradox resolution =
Creative breakthrough.
The following
tools are "thinker templates". Imagine how
the world would seem "reddish" if we saw it through a red
filter. Our CNS - central nervous system - is
SELF-organizing and will align the paradigm-shifting tool
you select below with "out there". This will have the effect
of "making your mind" change. Each of the following
filters on cognition requires your mind to change in
a predetermined way. The context will determine the
content. (Read
my book for more details.)
Changing our mind for fun
and profit is as easy as tuning into a new station on the
radio dial. You decide "how" to think about something... and
then do it, creating innovative concepts, products and
services with the effort. Use the following tools and
techniques. Alter your thinking patterns in specific ways at
thinkers will select as many different perceptual modes as
the job requires.
Click on a
name below to borrow that tool. Please put the tool back
where you found it when you're done.