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« Contemplative Thinking
The creative process begins with choosing how to perceive. The
empowerment process begins with choosing wisely.
Are you making good choices for yourself? How do you choose?
Ultimately, each of us is responsible for our decisions. We choose
and we become.
We can choose to experience utopia or oblivion. Utopia begins by
embracing change and then learning how to choose. Oblivion requires
no further participation. The following reflection is designed to
allow you to question how you make choices. Objective subjectivity
will let you to make corrections where you think necessary or
- Have I accepted the truth that no one can choose for me, that
I have ultimate responsibility for all of my life decisions?
- How do I know that I am making the best choices for
- How have I made choices in the past?
- To what extent have my past choices benefitted me?
- Do I gather enough information to make a wise choices?
- Are my choices more often Ego-stroked (gratification),
Self-satisfying (pie-in-the-sky-after-I-die) or good for all of
- Am I processing information in a biased way?
- To what paradigm does my reflection belong? (Reactive,
Proactive, Creative, Magical)
- To what paradigm does my final decision belong? (Reactive,
Proactive, Creative, Magical)
- How can I make better choices?
... And then comes the ultimate moment of choice. Ego (left-brain
orientation) makes the choice and Self (right-brain mentation)
experiences the consequences. Here is a reflective procedure to
stimulate your intuition before you choose: This reflection will ease
decision making:
- Expand your awareness of the options as much as you can; seek
out facts, explore limits, ask for advice; find supportive
- Evaluate which possibilities you would most and least desire,
given complete freedom from any consequence. Why those
- Have your Ego (now mind) explain how those possibilities have
consequences that are to the detriment of the Self (eternal mind).
Have the Self convince the Ego of the merit of the
- Which of the possibilities will bring the greatest
satisfaction to the whole you (both minds)?
- Reflect on ambivalence, on procrastination, on personal
responsibility and happiness.
- Reflect on the act of choosing as the process in which you
evolve inner strength.
- Choose - knowing there is no win, no lose; there are just
"doings" or "not doings".
- After choosing, evaluate the results of your choice by
answering the following questions: How am I accepting and coping
with my choice? How is what happened different from what I
expected? Am I adjusting with and/or co-creating the consequences?
Is the choice changing me for the better? Is there confirmation or
reaction to my choice? Is this choice irredeemable?
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