Planning your next vacation ?
How about a learning adventure ?
Our Costa Rica tours are like
Disney for adults
These educational programs are
for people who have an interest in
| business | shamanic culture | health practices | student development | special needs |
We design tours to explore
both the forces in Nature and ancient wisdom. We offer 7, 10 and 14
day itineraries with theme circuits that crisscross Costa Rica. Our
tours allow small groups to explore important topics like motivation,
creativity and empowerment, while having "a most excellent
eco-adventure" in an incredibly diverse park system.
We facilitate the exploration of ideas and opportunities
Our "Lessons from the jungle" tour is about investing in your most precious assets - your SELF. Learn all about your inner nature. This week-long session will add value to your "creative capital" by explaining Nature's slant on human potential.
Spend time with your team or associates.: Enjoy 7 days of serious stimulation in a beautiful jungle lodge - with an agenda that's customized to fit your needs. Day-1. Fly-in and we'll guide you through the process. Experience 7 adventures in 7 days, learn 7 lessons and celebrate every inch of the way. On Day-8 you fly out, objective met.
You'll have learned about Nature's creative imperative and how it applies to your life.
There has got to be a more creative way to learn how to be more creative!
Bring color and WOW to your next promotion. Email us and we'll introduce you to whole-brain learning - and ways to discover how your creative capital is capable of more than the limits imposed.. IIDC's liaison and facilitation service will help you experience Costa Rica as your gateway to Latin America. Find new customers or products or alliances. A branch office? Perhaps you're thinking about a joint venture or a strategic network. You might already have a project in mind (or a choice piece of property).
IIDC can help. Invest in the development of your « creative capital » with continuous learning and growth. Self-empowerment will be a result of the process.
Come to the jungle to quick-learn
the process.
Add mystery, magic and adventure to your next holiday
Our "Way of the Jaguar-kings" tours are vacation packages in which travelers explore their creative potential in the mirror of an ancient and magical culture. Various themes are demystified as we travel deep into Nature's wisdom where, 3000 years ago, Olmec sorcerers said we'd find "the heart of hearts, in the world of worlds".
Discover the magick of a powerful
precolombian civilization while visiting a veritable paradise on this
Earth. Learn about human potential and experience the outstanding
beauty in creation. Several theme tours crisscross the bio-zones of
Costa Rica to explore various aspects of the Olmec "teo physics"
worldview -learn a little
about Nature's forces and
« Examine the 8 requirements of total wellness ».
Latest science insists we have a responsibility for our health-age. As maturity makes an impression, acquired wisdom suggests we re-think concepts like total wellness. WHO (World Health Organization) redefined health to include a more holistic vision it described this way health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellness. Sounds like the recipe for a good time.
The ICT (Instituto Costaricense de Turismo) invites you to Explore Costa Rica with no artificial ingredients. They are proud of their natural resources. Come to enjoy them while exploring the eight keys to self-fulfillment and longevity.
Take the opportunity to experience the Earth as a rejuvenating SPA. This tour includes visits to many beautiful and interesting places, a daily regimen of Nature walks, lectures on wellness and light exercise, motivational exchanges and seminars and the practical aspects of several therapeutic approaches - and with creativity techniques designed to keep us sharp thinkers thrown into the mix for good measure.
Discover how "sylvantherapy" (latin for "forest") uses the forces in Nature to attain a sense of body/mind/spirit unity. Ancient "brujos y brujas" (healers) thought beauty was a key ingredient in maintaining health. As tropical America's "forests of kings" contain an amazing pharmacopia - such as the cool, thin mountain air, hot dry winds, dank, humid or salty breezes and steamy jungles with infinite nuance-, they can be prescribed . Costa rica's 12 bio-zones each have an effect, as do hot springs, bracing waterfalls, mineral rivers and streams, ponds, muds, clays and hot stones and cool caves; there are exotic and isolated beaches and therapeutic tools and herbals of many descriptions. Come boost your life-spirit.
During this 14 day tour for small groups of 50+ travelers, you'll be invited to truly commune with Nature and to avail yourself of its bounty, its wonder, its power and its availability, and to befriend fellow practionners along the way.
Get ready for the big leagues
"Creativity, Leadership and SELF-Empowerment" - Every year Costa Rica hosts hundreds of school programs. These 14+ day tours are custom-finished with individual schools, student associations or administrations, and are designed with high school seniors, college or university students and others in mind. The programs add a practicum to your studies with a truly memorable field trip. The packages can include help with fund-raising.
The 1st tour package uncovers « a new science of life ». It includes 20 hours of creative SELF-Empowerment training in which participants examine principles of logic, strategy, creative, lateral and breakthrough thinking" and SELF-motivation in both theory and "real life". The grou is also engaged in 20 hours of fieldwork with an important eco-project. The rest of their time is spent amazed by a veritable ecotopia and participating in some truly awesome adventures. Many schools have their trip accredited by their local education authority.
"I, Inc. - Creativity and Entrepreneurial Spirit." - This 14-day package evolved from the workshops we taught at Bell Canada's Professional Training Institute. It's been modified for young adults and includes 20 hours on "Self-motivation, Creativity and Entrepreneurial Spirit" discovery. This is about taking charge to fill needs. There's also 20 hours of volunteer work on an access to Nature project and some simply outstanding eco-adventures. Fund raising efforts should be part of the program so students benefit from some practical business skills to successfully financing themselves.
"Paradise the Vision Quest." - This is the low-down on making up your mind. It's for university students, grads and drop-outs, rebels and alternative thinkers. It's for anyone aged 18-30 who hasn't quite found meaning or purpose to existence. This theme package demystifies both basic and meta- motivation and it has an ancient ritual "vision quest" thrown in for good measure.
Come to experience an unparalleled
intensity of life while exploring the secrets of higher awareness and
creativity. Share a small group experience and then extend your stay
to look for latent gifts and talents, or to seek out joy, passion and
hidden strengths. When you find what's worth loving, there's wonder,
magic and treasure everywhere.
For persons with limited physical abilities. - In collaboration with F.A.U.N.A. Fundacion Acceso Universal a la Naturaleza, an ngo working in tourism for persons with restricted physical capacities, we're happy to offer tour packages for persons with special needs. We have adapted circuits for wheelchair users and seniors, and we can work around personal sensitivities and allergies. Tell us about yourself and your specific needs, and let us show you "el paraïso accesible".