"Creative self-empowerment"
Suzy and I often challenge people to answer real posers like: How would a group behave if every member had the same motivation, creativity, desire to succeed and authority to act on good ideas as a visionary CEO? Or - how could an organization perform if its members were all trained in teamwork and if each understood group dynamics?
We ask, but are not surprised when people have difficulty imagining those creative possibilities. It reminds us about the real need to effectively demystify the transformative process.
But do consider how productivity and prosperity could improve if teams truly respected their differences and strengths, even sharing their passion and commitment to a common vision? Imagine how "intelligence" training and creative "thinking tools" could both enhance personal productivity and increase job satisfaction? Consider how you could benefit from learning programs based on self-empowerment and personal growth? How well would you plan the future if you could rely on your ability to mobilize people's inner resources and their will to excel? What would it take for all of the tean, the whole entreprise, or all of society, to contribute to organizational success? Utopia?
Utopia begins with a single question - why not?
The proof is in - there are serious downsides to the rapid explosions of new information. The pace of life in the information age is negatively affecting human health and it risks sabotaging social order. Info-overload is causing severe physical and psychological stresses to the human organism and its decision-making processes. After awhile we dullen to bad news and then even good news can't get through.
Sustained stress is responsible for a long list of dis/eases. It creates a feeling of apathy and powerlerness. And the stressors have now become global.
Alvin Toffler's 1965 prophecy labeled this phenomenon "future shock" and described it as the negative human response to a constant barrage of new information and a continuous pressure to change. Well future shock is here/now and stress is epidemic. In year 2000, it is estimated that stress costs North-American industry US$3 billion
In spite of this, information continues to multiply and to accelerate. The pressure to adapt is on. Hurry, hurry!!! More, more; now, quick, quicker. And then pie-in-the-sky after you die. It's a jungle out there. To successfully navigate through so much data requiring our immediate attention, researchers have concluded that there are four kinds of information critical to personal survival.
Other information can either be considered luxury or dross.
In order of increasing value and importance, this critical info is called :
1. Cognitive knowledge (know-what): i.e. the body of information linked to a specific job or professional function and which can be taught and accredited.2. Higher skills knowledge (know-how): i.e. the body of information allowing you to use "know-what" in complex day-to-day situations and to transform these situations in a value-adding way
3. Systems knowledge (know-why): i.e. The body of information helping you identify the cause and effect relationships in an event or process; this information allows you to anticipate subtle interactions as well as to manage the consequences of a situation to a desired outcome.
4. Self-management knowledge (care-why): i.e. The body of information that demystifies motivation, creative intelligence, self-empowerment, personal vision and the "will to succeed". In other words the "know what, know how and know-why" related to self-esteem and the inner needs.
While the first three deal with incoming information, the fourth has to do with "self-interest" - i.e. how is information translated into the desire to act. Without this criticaly important little or nothing is accomplished.
Our creative self-management training heightens an individual's awareness of "how" to fill personal needs and thus increases the desire to participate in the continuum of improvements that give quality and value to life.
We empower people by showing them how to find their own « interest » in organizational success.
As the organization is merely a reflection of the individuals who work there, altruistic self-interest suggests that human resources be given the tools that will allow them to transform their dreams, hopes, expectations and desires into practical realizations.
Imagine the greatness that could be released upon the Earth if everyone reached for their best according to Nature's management principle « altruistic self-interest ». We help that come true by stimulating "care-why".
Suzy and I recognize how "a house divided against itself cannot prosper" and so we are devoted to teaching individuals, teams and groups how to mobilize their « inner » resources: their «creative capital».