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Lawrence J-E. Poole

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More than 25 years ago - while sales manager for a Canadian paper company - I had a tragic automobile accident. Paralyzed, I had several NDEs, spent 6 weeks in the Intensive Care Unit and 11 months in hospitals. Not surprisingly, during the ordeal and the times that followed, I discovered my "inner resources".

Afterwards, a desire to understand myself better and to make some sense out my experiences, led me to subjects as diverse as neurology, physics, psychology, philosophy and ecology. Even if I had a rather fruitful business career before my accident, I now felt more called to creation than to commerce. In answer, I began to explore Nature's creative processes in an attempt to understand the framework behind the physical world. Rewarded and impassioned by my findings, I've been at it for these last many years.

I not only succeeded in rebuilding my life, I became hooked on "life itself" and the pursuit of joy. The fruit of my labour is revealed in my first book "Investissez dans votre capital créatif" which is now in its 2nd edition. My latest work is called SELF-Empowerment (How and why to invest in your creative capital)”. In its pages, I demystify the principles of self-motivation, creative intelligence, passion and personal power. Engaging the reader with my own story and the latest science on human potential, I discuss effective syntheses, tools and exercises that stimulate a creative and empowered life.

In spite of the limits imposed by my paralysis, I've managed to accomplish a great deal. Besides my frequent forays into wilderness areas and jungles to learn and teach the myriad aspects of the creative process and my busy consulting business, I've been an advocate on universal access issues for more than a quarter century, acting both locally and Nationally.

An appreciated conference speaker and seminar leader, I've addressed hundreds of local, national and international assemblies - from a dozen to more than a thousand people. I've written articles on motivation, creativity and innovation, and have been the subject of several media presentations on those topics and have a monthly column in the French newspaper "La Réussite" (Success). A corporate trainer, so far I've taught more than 10,000 leaders the empowerment principles championed in Nature.

A lifelong traveller, I've been active in the tourism industry for more than a decade and wrote the chapters on Honduras and Costa Rica in The Rough Guides' book "Able to Travel". I chaired a national association devoted to tourism for persons with restricted physical abilities and another whose mandate is health tourism.

With my life-partner Suzy, I pioneered the field of heuristic learning. From the Latin for “self-discovery”, our training methods shorten the learning curve. I've developed creativity and empowerment programs for some of Canada's leading corporations, associations and agencies. Using adventures, activities, games, tools and springboard stories, we animate empowering « multimedia » events that are highly motivating to teach leadership and team building programs based on Nature's primary management strategy: Altruistic self-interest.

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