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Gestion Consult-IIDC Management Inc.

Authors - Training consultants - Creative coaches - Conference speakers
Home Theme Training   SELF-Empowerment Incentives

Motivated creativity - Creative leadership - Empowerment and Strategy - Intelligence and Innovation - Team Building



Our mission

Our approach

Our expertise

Added value

Our incentive programs

Our clients

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 Our mission

We bring together specialists of high caliber to :
"Offer our customers an inventory of products and services to help them develop and empower the « creative capital » of their human resources.

Consequently, we help corporations, associations, institutions and teams :

  • Anticipate, accept and efficiently manage change ;
  • Instill a climate receptive to creativity and innovation ;
  • Mobilize talents and ideas ;
  • Enhance teamwork and performance ;
  • Improve the quality of communications ;
  • Change attitudes and behaviors ;
  • Reach strategic objectives ;
  • Improve their competitiveness ;
  • Increase their market share;

To do this, we manage empowerment programs that include :

  • Captivating multimedia conferences on LEAN Improving, LEAN Innovation and LEAN Leadership as value adding ; (Ý)
  • Efficient communications strategies ;
  • Stimulating "mobilization" events ;
  • Innovative educational experiences and interactive training sessions ;
  • Management coaching on the themes of motivated creativity and empowerment
  • Visionary planning sessions ;
  • Exciting and profitable team-building activities ;
  • Extraordinary learning adventures in Nature, in Quebec and in Costa Rica.

We have offices in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and in San Isidro, Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica.

LEAN Improving adds « best practices » to production, market strategy and management processes

Our approach (Top)

We use show people how to successfully take up the challenges of a changing world.

Organizations and companies need collaborators and team members with a strong sense of responsibility, a greater facility to adapt, an attitude that prizes team-building, synergy and cooperation, with plenty of personal initiative, creativity, assertiveness and perseverance. They should also have a self-motivated desire to learn, to grow and to constantly improve.

That's a tall order. Recognizing that not all people respond to the same motivational criteria, we specialize in "heuristic learning". We recognize that people respond quicker, more directly and more completely to information of personal concern, and so we communicate ideas on the need to creatively self-empower to reflect one of Nature's most important leadership principles:: altruistic self-interest .

Our programs lead participants to explore their creative potential as a "value adding" process. We stimulate them to act by linking personal interests to organizational need. In simple words, we demystify wiifm - the what's in it for me question. Because one's best benefits all, we teach the two conditions that stimulate growth can do and want to -. i.e. the "know how" and the "care why".

*Heuristic learning is activity based and thus it shortens the learning curve.

In order to assure the success of our mandates, we manage the 5 facets in a wholistic approach:

  • We establish exact client needs and a visionary plan ;
  • We encourage the creative principles championed in Nature by introducing them as various learning experiences;
  • We stimulate people to discover opportunities to innovate and to improve by questioning existing roles, ideas, procedures and systems ;
  • We identify limits to creative motivation and teamwork and propose ways to unleash human potential by helping clients implant conditions that facilitate adopting creativity's best practices and optimal behaviors ;
  • We manage the whole process : the expectations, the events and themes, the training and the results.
    Our programs are accredited by "Emploie Québec" for income tax purposes
    and have been animated in various forms for every educational strata. 

Our expertise (Top):

Gestion Consult-IIDC Management Inc. is a full-service company. Our clients benefit from our network of top professionals in several complimentary areas. To actualize the goals set by our customers, we design, organize, manage and animate very powerful training adventures to mobilize the «creative capital» of their human resources in ways that are both stimulating and rewarding..

We help our customers achieve their strategic aims by,,,

  • ... custom-designing programs to develop a creative and empowered leadership;
  • ... including incentive and "reward" travel in our heuristic adventures ;
  • ... negotiating very competitive prices with service providers and passing on the benefits.
  • ... creating motivational and promotional campaigns that can include - Themes, artwork, promo items, mail and Internet campaigns, progress tracking, reminders, certificates, etc. ;
  • ... offering complete time limited packages managed by seasoned planning experts ;
  • ... producing clear, concise, participants instructions and client reports ;
  • ... establishing a countdown calendar and preparations check list ;
  • ... consulting and assist every aspect of the process, and
  • ... helping them establish goals and a «communications» plan
  • ... computing the value of direct benefits generated
  • ... computing budgets and costs
  • ... establishing length and other terms and conditions for an incentive program
  • ... setting participation criteria and qualification rules
  • ... making all logistical arrangements
  • ... communicating a theme that excites, stimulates and rewards.
  • ... managing every step of the way - all we need is an OK and a participant list.

What else you can expect from Consult-IIDC Management Inc.…

  • We provide all the needed pre-planning work, including in-house presentations;
  • We work with top management to assure the program structure answers precise needs;
  • We train your in-house staff on how to help maximize the training events;.
  • We complete multimedia promotional tools;
  • We furnish timely communications to keep participants enthused and aware;
  • We supply all pre-trip information - from weather reports to travel documents;
  • We make arrangements for special related functions;
  • We coordinate premium gifts and company logo items;
  • We can establish a hospitality desk to serve every participant need;
  • We have programs for every budget.

An added value (Top)

Our programs accelerate the learning curve and provide a profound and transformational learning experience by optimizing the conditions for human apprenticeship.

The global economy has changed the rules of the game. It's now moving at the speed of thought and demanding adjustments and ever higher levels of motivation, strategy and creativity. So consider how Nature manages an environment where constant change is the rule - and then learn how to use those techniques, tools and processes... Profit from 4.5 billion years of success.

Travel incentives in the parks of Quebec and Costa Rica as a part of empowering training.

We combine animated tourism activities, heuristic training experiences, learning games and adventures to facilitate important educational themes. We add approprate syntheses and tools, exotic setting and moderated group interaction, and then moderate the mix .

In Quebec, we use heuristic (self-discovery) training sites in the Townships an hour southeast of Montreal and offer activities appropriate to the season. In Costa Rica, we have selected the most wondrous eco sites, each appropriate to a learning theme and offering lush beauty, as exotic classrooms for our training and incentive programs.

Our incentive and reward programs (Top)

Our programs stimulate participants by helping them acquire and maintain a high degree of motivated creativity, a capacity to make innovative decisions, and a will to develop personal power and vision.

Training held in a natural environment, in a foreign or in an exotic location, is genrally considered to be a reward by most employees. Powerful motivators, they automatically generate an air of excitement, of positive anticipation, of open mindedness.

We help organizations who want to develop a more creative leadership, i.e. « creative capital » and client capital, or to showcase accomplishments and jump-start projects.

Our incentive programs are used...

  • to generate new ways to see products, services, processes, commercial structures and management methods ;
  • to improve troup morale, reduce stress and dis/ease ;
  • to get support from the human resources after a merger, an acquisition or a change in direction
  • to increase sales, marketshares or profits ;
  • to reduce variable costs a predetermined amount ;
  • to plan or reward the development of new products or services or increasing the value of existing brands ;
  • to help recruitement and reassignment .
  • to reinforce team-building and emplyee loyalty ;
  • to reconize and reward employees, collaborators and alliés ;
  • to reward or incite or offer incentive bonuses for extra effort effort. 

Our clients (Top)

Ourcustomers represent the finest corporations, associations and institutions in Canada, Europe and Latin America. Here's a small sample:
  • Bell Canada and all its divisions ; Berlex Canada ; RE/MAX Québec ; Hydro-Québec ; RBC Insurance ; Silicon Graphics ; Brown Shoes ; Wiichihiituum Development Corporation - James Bay; McNeil Soins de Santé ; Marion-Roussel Pharma (Aventis) ; Johnson & Johnson ; Merck Frosst ; AGTI ; Technilab/Altimed ; Labatt Breweries ; Arborite Canada ; Microtec Canada.; Trans-Énergie Inc., Banque National; Les Caisses Populaires Desjardins; etc……
  • The Québec Furniture Manufacturers Association ; The Public Service Alliance ; The Association of Fleet Owners ; The Vitro-Plus Franchisers Association; l'Association Arcade (Paris) ; The Association of Registrars of Québec ; l'Association Artimon (Geneva) ; Yhe International Institute for Peace through Tourism ; MPI - Meeting Planners International ;TIAC -Tourism Industry Association of Canada; TIA Nova Scotia, TIA Prince-Edward-Island, ICT (Costa Rica) ; etc…
  • The Chambre of Commerce of Montreal ; CIDA - Ottawa ; Ontario March of Dimes ; Bureau International de Tourisme Social ; Global Conference on Sustainable Development ; Laurenval ; School Board ; L'École Jacques Rousseau ; The Cree School Board of James Bay ; Transport Canada ; The Lakeshore Schoolboard ; Regroupement des Collèges du Québec ; INEO Sommet Sur la Formation; etc

Visit our web site at « Clients » for comments by people who participated in our training.

The founding partners (Top)

LAWRENCE POOLE - An author, heuristic training consultant and dynamic conference speaker, Lawrence teaches people how to develop their "creative capital". He is the author of 2 books on the subject and of numerous articles and essays and he's is a feature columnist in the French business magazine La Réussite (Success).

For more than 20 years, Lawrence has brought Nature's principles of change management, motivated creativity, team building and self-empowerment to corporations and institutions in Canada, Latin America and Europe, teaching more than 10,000 leaders his "Lessons from the jungle...".

A paraplegic, Lawrence is a co-author of Real Guides "Able To Travel" about his adventures in Costa Rica and Honduras and has long experience in the tourism industry, in Quebec and Costa Rica, Lawrence leads a team of expert guides, ecologists, and tour and CMP professionals.

SUZY ETHIER - Suzy Ethier is a Consult-IIDC partner and a seminar leader who specializes in creative self-improvement workshops.  She facilitates training sessions and leadership programs that use Nature as a mirror and model of applied creativity. Over the last 18 years, she has animated conferences, seminars and workshops on subjects related to change management, motivated creativity, innovation and self-empowerment.

She brings a wealth of life experiences to her interventions - including training in diverse areas like business planning and start-up, time and human resource management, union relations and international development. She was a training consultant on a rural development project in Colombia, South America for 2 years and she particularly enjoys "mentoring" worthy projects, helping teams define missions, goals and objectives and facilitating "task-oriented" transformations.

Co-founder of Instituto Internacional de Desarrollo Creativo - an educational tourism company in Costa Rica - Suzy is also a consultant with F.A.U.N.A., an ngo responsible for promoting universal access to Nature in their Park System. When she's not working with Lawrence, she can be found designing and leading tours and activities in Nature.   

OUR TEAM OF COLLABORATORS - We are championed and seconded by a team of seasoned professionals.

"Mastery of our creative potential is the key to a prosperous future and a healthy economy."

Peter Drucker