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Ideas for people pursuing an empowered life,




A tale of sorcery and science

Recently, I had the pleasure of telling a springboard story to a management group attending one our training seminars. Story telling has long been an efficient way to teach and a good « springboard » will transfer real wisdom. I told them about the sorcerer-kings of tropical America who civilized the jungle.

Millennia ago they created the largest free-trading empire ever seen, from north of the Mississippi basin to southern Peru.. They built huge cities and constructed great edifices and solved extraordinary engineering feats to do so. They accomplished this historical phenomenon because they understood the creative process and how to access higher intelligence.

The Olmec culture established « a forest of kings » from 400BC back into antiquity. They are the protomaya - the mother-culture to the much later Maya and many others. Two thousand years after they disappeared from the world, the Europeans reached these shores and met people who were heirs to an amazing body of science.

The ancient sorcerers had studied the awesome bio-diversity of the tropical jungle and uncovered its secrets. They understood Nature, including our own human nature, and thus accomplished social greatness. Much later, at the time of the conquest, travelers saw Mexico City as the grandest and most beautiful city on Earth.

Those first scientists believed that we humans emerged from the Earth, not dropped here in an accidental or mystical way. We evolved from it, obeying its principles of self-organization and being impressed with all its knowledge.

Today, in the south of Costa Rica, hundreds of giant stone spheres are silent witnesses, carved by their artists to represent the human mind and its potential. The stones explain our « sphere of awareness » and how that potential is organized: We access « conscious awareness » by thinking about something. And we access « subconscious awareness » when we are dreaming.

Because we are dreamers, the Olmec sorcerers said that we can also access infinity. They learned that the individual mind is within a larger sphere of intelligence - a collective unconscious mind - or the universe's dream.

Our individual dreams overlap a "dream world" that is inside « Super-consciousness ». That larger sphere contains the creative order in Nature. People civilized a ferocious world by learning how to open their own "sphere of mind" all the way to Super-consciousness where they used the forces in Nature. They dreamed a better world and then they built it.

We can use the power of our dreams to create better lives. If you want to dream your way to happiness, here are 8 quick tips.

  1. Allow your dreams to surface by learning to relax;
  2. Write down the ones that attract you;
  3. Face the barriers that are keeping you from realizing those dreams.
  4. See dreaming patterns as a subconscious need for action, and resolve to act;
  5. Make a strategic plan and break it down into baby steps;
  6. Recognize that fear does not automatically disappear; it yields to an "unbending intent".
  7. Surround yourself with people who support you.
  8. Act and reward your every success.

Dream the greatest life you can manage. You deserve it! Remember - the best part of living a dream is consciously doing it, not the destination.



Research has concluded that the basis for empowerment is « heuristic ». The word « heurism » comes from the Greek and means "self-discovery". As it happens, it's the training approach we favor and the basic idea behind our animations. We guide participants in a series of activities that provoke an "aha" in their thinking.

There are 8 « heuristic principles » that reveal how creative breakthroughs don't just happen, they are consciously provoked with specific "doings". Check out the basic by clicking http://www.consult-IIDC.com/english/training/heurism.htm



Pssst!! How'd you like to visit Costa Rica for FREE? We're looking for a few good tour organizers. Join the "Mayamü Touring Club" - details are just a click away: http://www.consult-IIDC.com/emglish/themetours/tourleader.htm.

See you soon...



I'm currently writing scripts for a soon-to-be posted web-radio URL. That rekindled my love affair with radio from the golden age of broadcasting. Do you remember "Johnny Dollar" or "Gunsmoke" or "Our Miss Brooks"? Well those old shows are still broadcast daily at http://www.acbradio.org/treasure-trove.html.

We can buy old programs or rent them on audio-CD's for $1 apiece from http://www.radioarchives.org/CDsforRent.htm. And click on to http://www.museum.media.org/radio.htm for radio memorabilia.

If - like me - you like listening to intelligent talk while driving, check out the CBC's schedule at http://www.cbc.ca/audio.html and stay in touch everywhere across this great land. If you're driving through the US, give National Public Radio at http://www.npr.org a try.

The Internet makes radio from all over the world available to anybody with a computer. To check it out, click onto http://www.radio-locator.com.html and find 10,000 radio stations - with dozens more added every week.

Just into music you say?? http://www.spinner.com will let you choose from 150 channels and over 350,000 tunes. Well lissen'up.



"The unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates

"The sage does not hoard. The more he helps others, the more he benefits himself, The more he gives to others, the more he gets himself. The Way of Heaven does one good but never does one harm. The Way of the sage is to act but not to compete." Lao-Tzu

"To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men - that is genius." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Tis the sharpness of our mind that gives the edge to our pains and pleasures." Michel De Montaigne

"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus." Alexander Graham Bell

"One man with courage makes a majority." Andrew Jackson



There once was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years and was quite prosperous. He was well known in the region, and thought to be a good man but some people attributed his success to "luck".

One day, one of his workers left the barn door open and his best horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors wondered about his luck and came to inquire. "Such bad luck," someone cried with sympathy, "...how could such a bad thing happen to such a good man?"

"Well, it may be bad luck" the farmer replied, "...or not. Only time will tell."

Within a week his horse had returned, bringing with it three wild mares. "How wonderful that is." the neighbors exclaimed, after having rushed to the farm to see for themselves.

"What a stroke of great luck!" a man exclaimed. "Well it may be good luck," the old farmer replied, "...or not! Only time will tell."

The following day, his eldest son tried to ride one of the wild mares and was thrown from it, breaking his arm in two places. The neighbors again came running to give sympathy for his misfortune.

"You are truly unlucky!" one person told the old man. "Well that may be bad luck," he answered, "...or not. Only time will tell".

Two days after that, the military came to the village to draft all the young men into the army because of troubles on the Northern border. As the son's arm was broken, they passed him by.

The neighbors came again, this time to congratulate the farmer on how well things had turned out. "You are truly blessed", they said, "...a real lucky man."

"That may be good luck", he answered yet again, "...or not. Only time will tell!"

Walking down the road back to their own homes, one neighbor turned to his companion and mused: "You know, I believe the old man is much wiser than he is lucky. Rather than wanting fate to yield to him - praising or cursing it, he always does his best with whatever it has to offer."

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