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For leaders and your key collaborators, associates, managers and supervisors: « LESSONS FROM THE JUNGLE... » HOW NATURE FAVOURS CREATIVE LEADERS
Ask us how we adjust our training to reflect YOUR work environment, and how we include your needs into our s.*Heurism means « Self-discovery » PHONE MONTREAL (514) 481-2835 TODAY TO BOOK THIS STIMULATING 1-DAY TRAINING EVENT FOR YOUR TEAM! |
Lessons from the jungle... « How Nature favors creative leaders » THE LEARNING CONTEXT : (TOP) Our « Lessons from jungle » are more than metaphors. They are "springboard stories" that are told to explain the creative management models derived from Nature's 4.5 billion years of success. Through them, we teach strategic principles and explain how to apply them to benefit people and organizations . Today's new economic, social and environmental conditions changed the rules of the game. They imposed a need for adjustment that invites individuals, teams and companies to develop innovative ways of doing. Inspired by how Nature manages constant change, learn to profit from its creative processes, techniques and tools. Any training activity that enhances a leader's creative capital increases the « intelligence » of the whole organization. This precious resource immediately becomes a tangible asset when it is focused on improving products, services, systems, processes and human relations. THE BENEFITS AND ADVANTAGES FOR THE ORGANIZATION : (TOP) Depending on the theme we animate, this one-day team-building event will allow you to :
THE STORYBOARD : (TOP) The participants are invited to become players - actors in a great learning adventure. They'll be told a springboard story before being taken on a virtual flight to the jungles of Costa Rica. They meet in a virtual airport and are given an AirBingo Boarding Pass into our jungle world before Suzy Ethier and Lawrence Poole explain the concept of heuristic training and introduce them to the 1st activity. Then a - Lesson from the jungle... where we supply the sights, sounds and even odors from the tropical rainforest, and a helicopter trek to an isoilated village where anthropologists are studying the ancient protomayans who first civilized the jungle. Except, the expedition won't go as planned and there'll be an important change in the program. To save the day, participants will need all their leadership skills and creativity. This learning activity requires them to confront the unknown and, to survive, open their mind, communicate strategically and be creative. The pressure is on because life depends on it. Sometime during the day, they'll get help from an unexpected source: local sorcerers who share an ancient secret with them. They need to ask the right questions, note the answers and distinguish wise counsel from the dross. Later, back in civilization, survivors participate in a discussion on how they experienced their adventure and what they gained from the secret they learned - personally and professionally. Then, a last multimedia presentation offers a synthesis of the learning themes and we end the day with resolve - as passion and commitment are Nature's way. MOTIVATION, CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION, SELF-EMPOWERMENT, LEADERSHIP, AND MORE... LET'S DISCUSS HOW TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS WITH OUR TRAINING THEMES.
« HOW NATURE FAVORS CREATIVE LEADERS » ACTIVITY #1 - Air Bingo! - Heuristic learning - 30 minutes An amusing game, this ice-breaker gives people the opportunity to chat and get to know each other better (and differently), to have a little fun, to warm up for a motivating day - and to set the mood for the animation that follows. |
Lessons from the jungle... - A multimedia theme animation - 45 minutes As Lawrence Poole may be the only researcher who treks jungles in a wheelchair you are ever likely to meet, he'll briefly recount his story... of more than 25 years studying Nature's ecosystems rules and laws. He'll incorporate PowerPoint presentations, pictures, videos and audio from the neotropical jungle to introduce its creative and strategic self-management principles . He'll explain how he learned to use them in his personal and professional life, and how they are universal templates for an empowered and successful career. |
ACTIVITY #2 Lost in the jungle! - Heuristic learning, part 1 - 15 minutes Through this training activity, Suzy and Lawrence will expose group behavior and its influence on decision-making. The training exercise will validate open-minded creativity and leadership as survival skills for successful teams. They will also explore communication, self-confidence, persuasion and negotiation. Lost in the jungle! - Heuristic learning, part 2 - 75 minutes The activity includes coaching from 2 seasoned pros and it will be followed by a debriefing session. Lawrence will refer to the ideas raised during his 2nd animation. Lessons from the jungle... - A multimedia theme animation - 45 minutes |
- LUNCH BREAK - ACTIVITY #3 Snake Swamp! - Heuristic learning - 30 minutes The dangerous jungle territory gets even more deadly and local sorcerers must come to the rescue. Having learned valuable lessons during their first experience, the participants will now become aware of the vital importance of their communication skills. They'll experience the effects of partial, garbled, false or misleading information on human stress levels, and how they influence receptivity to the message. Also, they'll realize why success means strategically planning group communications. The activity will be followed by a debriefing session. Lawrence will refer to these ideas during his 2nd conference-animation. |
The Nature of the creative leader A multimedia theme animation - 45 minutes Lawrence explains The 5 Roles Of A Creative Leader before the participants will use to successfully complete their next challenge. Integrated in their workplace, they'll discover it to be a great tool to analyze ideas and manage creative exchanges. |
Rio Peligro!!! - Heuristic learning - 75 minutes Led by sorcerers who are experts on "leadership", the teams will now creative thinking to solve their next dilemma - i.e. to get out of the jungle alive. Before deciding on how to experience the last leg of the expedition, they'll seriously consider the probabilities of their chance for success. If they make it, they'll then explain their decision and how they arrived at it to the world's Press. The activity will be followed by a debriefing session and Lawrence will refer to these ideas during his closing conference-animation. |
Survival of the wisest... - The closing animation - 20-30 minutes Lawrence will finish the training day by recalling the key ideas and learning experiences. He'll tell how, cumulatively, Nature's rules push us to become creatively self-empowering, in order to benefit from a passionate life. He'll reveal how the day prepared the survivors to participate in winning teams ». THE TRAINING OBJECTIVES OF THIS EMPOWERING DAY! (TOP) At the end of this fascinating adventure, : Participants will have had a great time and shared an effective team-building exercise. THIS STIMULATING 1-DAY TRAINING EVENT FOR YOUR TEAM!
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