-4,500,000,000 yrs Pre- to geologic aeons ->Earth cools to solid state - The intent of Universe is creative SUCCESS.
-4,000,000,000 yrs Geo- to biologic epoch ->Algea to soft bodied animals
-650,000,000 yrs Archezoic era ->Vertebrates form and Pangaea splits
-280,000,000 yrs Mesozoic era ->Reptile kingdom to age of dinosaur
-136,000,000 yrs Cainozoic age ->End of dinosaur to animal kingdom
-65,000,000 yrs Pleistocene age ->Animal kingdom to hominid : Survive
-1,800,000 yrs Holocene age ->Hominid to homo sapiens : Survive and prosper - the great migration
-500,000 yrs Age of consciousness -> Man the farmer: The bicameral mind
Sumerian calendar - Ascent of consciousness: The wars of gods and men -450,000 yrs Historical time : Man the storyteller: Homo sapien sapiens - "I am aware of awareness"
-200,000 yrs Ice age : Purification: Tribal think and survival : Man the SELF-conscious predator.
-100,000 yrs Global climate shift : Predatory man... and global conquest
-75,000 yrs Ice age : -> Man the dominant retreats... and new conditions emerge : Established territories and marauding barbarians - It's them or us!
-50,000 yrs Egypt rises: From tribal think to "I am" a pharaoh... God/man cosmos explored
-25,000 yrs Great astro-cycles mapped and God/man cosmos is determined to be the ascent in Spirit -" ... of the MIND in here". A Covenant is drawn and the Caducee (intertwining serpents) is its symbol
-12,000 yrs Global warming and Deluge: Collapse of civilization and re-interpretation of the symbols - Fall from grace as the Covenant is broken... God is now believed to be "out there"
-5,000 yrs Calendar defined and history is recorded; Alphabet effect molds the mind; Agri-bizness in Mexico
-3,500 yrs Pharaoh Akhenaten declares God to be Aten... ONE (and is killed by the priestclass); Numbers defined; Rays of QBL described; Olmec Patriarchs find Nature's TEO-physic as God's Way
-2,000 yrs Druid zodiac at Stonehenge; Geometry in Babylonia; Abraham re-affirms God-ONE-ness.
-1,500 yrs Moses passes on God/man Covenant to slaves in parables: Obey God's rule to survive & prosper
-1,000 yrs Solomon's magic: Talismanic magic ; Magic squares in China ; Sorcery in America and "Paganism" in Europe: Power to the people...
-700-500 yrs Zoroastre, Buddha, Lao Tse, Xenophanes, Pythagoras, Confucius - News of the 7-step ascent spreads far and wide
Rapture begins for they who reach the grade Planetary Angel -400 yrs Aristotle and logic; Kidinnu is into higher math and Chaldean astronomy
-450 yrs Olmec sorcerers access morphic fields of resonance and physically transcend Time-Space.
-150 yrs BC - Before Christ )
Artemidorus explains dreaming, our dreaming (or spirit) body and the transmigration of the Soul); Proto-Mayan sorcerers connect to "Light as consciousness" (or Astral travel).
Ø + 33 yrs (Christ<s Era)
Jesus embodies the God/man Covenant with "My Father and 'I' are ONE" and fulfills evolution's Intent : Fusion. Oneness covenant requires love...without condition.
(+) 100 yrs Ptolemy: Mathematical geography and maps that explore the macro world..."out there"
+250 yrs Diophantus: Algebra and maps that explore the micro world... "in here"
+450 yrs Augustine: Theology and alchemy; Anasazi shamanism and Spirit worlds
+50 0 yr s Aryabhata: Powers from the roots of numbers, Astronomy ; Mohammed avows God-ONEness on Earth... says the Covenant is for all true worshippers
+700 yrs Transmigration by the sorcery schools at Casa Grande Portal in Arizona, others.
+900 yrs Gerbert of Aurilliac - Arabian math. across Europe; Rise and Fall of Toltec: Covenant cannot be imposed, it must be willed.
+1,100 yrs Nicholas Prevost: Antidatorum - 2650 "prescriptions" and healing magic
+1,300 yrs Abramelin le Mage - the Gnostic magic of the Essenes & Rosencreuz's school (rosicrucian)
+1,500 yrs Paracelsus: Alchemical magic; Galileo; Dr John Dee - An angelic contact
+1,700 yrs Isaac Newton's Principia Mathematica; Mathematics as Ørder -The French Philosophers & a revolution as We are the law and I am the US constitution
+1,900 yrs Aleister Crowley demystifies the near East's God/man cosmos
Helena Blavatsky spins the far East's God/man traditions into a theosophy
Albert Einstein, et al - Energy relative to Light constant as God-physics + Quantum physics
Castaneda reveals keys to the West's Nature sorcery in America's Olmec/Toltec tradition
Poole's Probability Formula: Theophysics - A Unified Field of Time-Space-Mind.
Ascent into Rapture... the Covenant is for they who love unconditionally,
here/now and in continuum
+2,012 yrs Time-Space portal opens and transmigration begins: Rapture is a Starship in Hyperspace
+2,150 yrs Paradigm-shift to the kingdom of Heaven-On-Earth here/now; Ascend.. and join the angelic crew who co-manage the passage from this quadrant of the Galaxy...
+3,080 yrs Micro-millennium: Paradigm-jump to DNA's SELF-empowerment & transcend physical death.
End of the script.
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