The nature of « prosperity » includes
spiritual and creative dimensions.
Millennia before the Conquerors touched American shores, the Olmec culture was managing an incredible « forest of kings » in the US Southwest, Mexico and Central America. The "protomayan" or "first amerindian" leaders ruled a free-trading empire based on Nature's « TEO physics » and its deep wisdom.
Tens of millions of people lived in this land back then, most banded together in villages of several hundred. A tribe of 400 might have 90 dominant males and 130 dominant females who took care of business, the others being elders, children and such. In those times, people only worked a scant few hours a day to provide for all their needs. They were a lot better equiped for their world than we are for ours. They had more and deeper relationships than most, were less stressed and a lot more prosperous than many folks are today. Dominants were the hunters, agricultural workers, fishermen or trades people; they were storekeepers, managers, herbalists, cooks, builders and artisans.
In larger ritual centers, leaders taught the citizenry Nature's way and all learned sorcery - by any other name - to describe their transformational process.
In that society, leaders didn't naturally emerge. The Jaguar-kings civilized a jungle by teaching the emergence process:
Glyphs describe the k'atun or Sorcerer as a human-lord... an agent of history, prophesy and change. In most depictions k'atun is a single figure, or the primary figure identified, and he is a member of a social elite. A katun ahau is the highest grade sorcerer. Olmec sorcerers held public office wherein they became 'tu which - more or less - means king of a local-kingdom. Rulers were also referred to as 'ku which means ruler of an even larger geography.
The sorcerer is most often shown with emblems of office, richly ornamented and costumed and attended by subordinates and apprentices. In addition, sorcerers are depicted sitting on thrones, receiving visitors with gifts, wearing royal or military garb, trading with foreign dignitaries, performing magic , planning strategy and more.
Researchers believe that respected sorcerers acquired social status to merit their depiction on sculpted monuments as akin to man-gods. They didn't seek these roles nor commission the depictions but were honored by them for their wondrous spiritual achievement. Messengers of the Creator (the Greek word is Angels), they embodied His wisdom, creativity and PSY power.
Those great sorcerers were planetary angels who ruled their kingdom as if was in the Heavens, in the site of God. The Olmec teachings influenced the later Maya glyphs of pre-conquest history. In the Dresden manuscript, those glyphs show that by this time, after a mass exodus of the ruling elite and their followers from many , and a period of chaos, there arose a primary actor and official called iz'ahhel or the successor sorcerer.
By then the keys to the Kingdom were already lost.
Olmec leadership was the result of an arduous apprenticeship in the arts and science sorcery - i.e. Self transformation for the purpose of accessing and using the forces in Nature.
Passages in the Dresden document refer to new initiates having to "...ascend and to be reborn into God".
Initiates learned in long apprenticeships with wiser sorcerers. Records identify an initiate's position as a part of an ongoing tradition, and they how each initiate was a member of a specific spiritual lineage.
According to the writings, [...]...a k'atun student signed up for a 10 year noviciate in exchange for 10 years of indentured service. When this full cycle was completed the k'atun student was entitled to be called itza k'atun (see the proactive paradigm). When a second full cycle was completed the itza k'atun was initiated to higher k'atun titles (see creative paradigm), and when a third full cycle was completed, the k'atun was initiated to the highest k'atun titles (see magical paradigm).
This 'K'atun ladder has the advantage of conforming to eyewitness descriptions of how the sorcery system worked. Sometime in antiquity - after 1200BC but before 600BC - those great leaders broke through the Time-Space-Consciousness continuum and connected with a higher Ørder of existence than commonly agreed to: A dimension of Sacred intelligence and world of unconditional power. That world is also the one describe by quatum physics.
I'll spell the word Ørder in this fanciful way as a symbolic reminder that cosmos is only evident at the Ømega point - STOP-TIME - where it introduces the perceiver to the 5th dimension's TIME-SPACE-CONSCIOUSNESS continuum of morphic Intelligence.
Ancient sorcerers communed ritually with the Sacred for hundreds of years, learning its universal wisdom. They climbed the "world tree" - the Creator's hierarchy. Along the way they applied the law of l.o.v.e. to daily living and created a wondrous kingdom. Pushing their mind further ahead, legend says that they learned humanity's fate - we are destroying conditions for life on Earth. Not wanting to stick around and see the Planet's demise, the Olmec sorcerers ascended from this world circa 600-400BC, leaving behind they who couldn't reach the spiritual heights needed to escape the gravitational pull.
Those people - now Planetary Angels - contained their Consciousness, stepped through the Time-Space continuum in pre-determined steps - and arrived elsewhere in Time-Space, on a starship in hyperspace called Rapture - somewhere else in Time - circa the Christian era year 2150AD. They learned how Earth-paradise is managed by Archangels in Time-Space 3080CE.
The Olmec left behind their science on how to live in harmony with Nature, how to prosper in commerce and how to duplicate their spiritual feat - by assembling a higher Ørder reality.
After those great leaders - men and women and shining examples of how to live - left the Earth, things began to generally unravel for the "stay-behinds" and American society. Soon the descendants replaced pragmatic doings with empty stories and experience with literal interpretations. When skepticism made the stories seem more myth than real, the territory went through a period of darkness. Meanwhile the stay-behinds managed society with all the fervor that fascism favors.
Some true sorcerers still practiced « TEOphysics » but they ascended as soon as they could. Initiates climb the leader ladder realize that they can't bring anything with them so they act with complete detachment in the spirit of unconditional l.o.v.e., become angels and ascend into Rapture.
Circa 900AD, the Toltec culture tried to revive the Olmec social systems but that adventure proved disastrous when it was discovered that « TEO » and THEOcracy cannot be imposed. They can only be subjectively willed. Modern day fascists and other style terrorists would prophet to heed that lesson.
Any individual - man or woman - can escape Earth's collective fate by organizing their mind to assemble Higher Ørder. The challenge is to transform the old management system - that values money above all things - by embracing a system that gives value to « creative capital » first.
Easy enough to look back into pre-history to understand how Nature's version of Paradise came about. If you recognize how people today are « city-fied » and largely denatured, you can appreciate the sorcerers of millennia ago.
Homo sapiens rule the Earth - which is a relatively dangerous place. So the rules of survival demand that people be physically fit, emotionally courageous, intellectually honed so they develop their spiritual capabilities. The Olmec people of those ancient times were spiritual tuned to such a high degree, they intuitively uncovered quantum physics, neuropsychology and the universe of consilient Light as Consciousness. They learned Time travel through Space (as opposed to Space travel in Time) and taught people how to program their own creative mind by practicing 5 roles that were explained in a sacred myth.
That myth demystifies our central nervous system, explaining it's optimum functioning with with 5 totem animals. Contained in a story called The Myth Of Quetzalcoatl, the coatl, the jaguar, the congo, the eagle and the quetzal explain the brain and spine. They say that the coatl - a water serpent - represents the reptillian brain stem and spinal cord. The jaguar is the mammalian limbic system and its nedocrine attachments. We are jaguar "kings (or queens)" by emoting nobility and embodying love. We become great leaders and acquire emotional authority by managing our moods.
Congo - howler monkey - is the hominid left-brain, and that monkey-brain manages tools, territory andthe other "out there" brain-circuits. Eagle is the neo-cortex, our frontal lobe's feedback loop: I am self-aware. And quetzal represents the emergence of consciousness and its universal law Altruistic Self-Interest. The quetzal is the harbinger of paradise because he exemplifies a leader's true spirit. The myth explains how: He altruistically puts himself at risk for those he leads.
Of course leadership as it is understood today - a boss and followers - didn't exist back then. People gave of themselves freely to fill need according to ability and formed into selected players and teams.
Management 101 is an easy course:
Here's the paradox. Nature's law is based on individuals altruistically becoming self-empowered leaders who wisely choose to give of themselves to fill common needs - while the system in which we goven ourselves (or are being governed in) is based on pseudo-leaders scrambling to take what they need.
Imagine if the whole world just shifted thinking and went back to doing their altruistic best: Paradise would be regained.
Many people don't realize that there are 2 ways of managing the economy and creating wealth. Harvard Business School calls them «Theory E» and «Theory O».
Theory E (economic) is management based on extracting the maximum economic value from an operation for the shareholders. Theory O (organic) is management based on growing an organization's abilities and enhancing its performance in the marketplace.
An organization's direction, behavior and dynamic are quite different in each these theoretical pursuits. The strictly economic model drives a mindless race for the last resource. The organic way champions continued growth and adds a human dimension to endeavor.
Here are 8 other areas where those 2 economic theories differ:
It is in our self-interest to disconnect from the world's theory E economics and direction, to invest in theory O ventures.
Resigning from the old system will help it fill the serpent swallowing its own tail scenario: As more capital leaves the old system to organize itself in the new, the faster the old collapses. (see Theophysics' principles of monad).
Theory O has a spiritual dimension
If you want to assemble your day-to-day reality in a theory O way, recognize that the spirit in the alchemy that puts altruism in your self-interest is your will.
Once you claim the SPIRIT that animates your own prosperity, then the other four elements - FIRE, WATER, AIR, EARTH - can take on another significance.
From the moment you give value to those elements, you dictate what value you'll give them. In the unified field, the tetragrammaton equation suggests the following:
Fire represents the currency (and values) commonly is used. This means cash - credit cards - mortgages - deeds - certificates of deposit - et al.
Water represents IAMUs - internally accepted monetary units. AKA - Percentages negotiated in partnerships, joint ventures, alliances, etc.
Air is barter, trade - quid pro quo. FAQ, known as tit for tat, there's direct trade and indirect trade - that is - for later considerations, and there's multiparty trades - me to you, you to him to her for example, and there are trade exchanges... like ebay... and stuff to stuff swap meets, etc..
Earth means tithing time freely - altruism is a deposit into the Spirit of Good's account. Action/Reaction's indivisible rule makes it very powerful. FAQ - Before time become money it has magic power: Apprenticeships in giving, volunteering, forgiving, committing random acts of kindness or generosity, and senseless displays of beauty, etc. - all for the l.o.v.e. of it... to get an action/reaction spiritual boost from Creation.
Spirit belongs to sourcerers who - now able to creatively negotiate outcomes with the Source - fill their needs in elemental ways and then help others fill theirs.
Self-actualization is now simple enough - with your Prosperity Incubation Engine, negotiate win-win-win scenarios and translate the time/money/resources requirement into your own piece of the PIE. If you (or the other) do not have the cash to transact for example, consider using I_AM_Us. It might work this way - you bring 10 cents worth of jam and flour, he has an oven and 5 cents worth of eggs, you connect with other potentials who have common interests and can gain mutually by baking. You bake - say a cake which you sell it for 8.00 - and "we" makes a tidy profit. By working out who does what and gets what part of what profit ahead, you'll see a idea's worth.
Or just figure out what you need and then decide what you can swap for it. Example - can you babysit for a new TV? How about doing a market study for a dentist in exchange for bridgework, or trading your pile of wooden skids to the printer who does your stationary. Goods for services, for goods and services, and for anything else... psst swap is a great way... between you and I... and the taxman...
An apprentice sorcerer will give of him (and her)self to understand 2 things: 1. The SELF is a precious gift, and 2. An absolute law - action/reaction - reciprocates from a spiritual dimension. This SELF-discovery is followed by a surrender to the process - without any further concern about it. A confirmation liberates the subjective mind and propels the perceiver towards the need to believe. Then the true spirit of prosperity will reign "in here"... without the dependency on "out there" for reciprocity. The alchemist can mix the elements according to his or her need...
More and more people are becoming aware of the limits of old paradigm economics and want to embrace more organic management systems. Now - in the INTERNET-age - like-minded people can band together in community like never before. Geography is no longer a limit and social barriers no longer exist. We can visit via a webcam from any livingroom in Canada to others in Costa Rica, anytime. We can come together in common interest, discuss and negotiate for mutual gain - and meet later (for the first time) and celebrate.
The problem is that governance methods and practices will continue to lag behind our realizations and good intentions for a very long time. Largely, we govern by having small teams sit at the top of a pyramid. They motivate by directing a race to the top with a carrot and stick from the pavlovian leadership school. Authors Brook Manville and Josiah Ober (A Company Of Citizens - What The World's First Democracy Teaches Leaders About Great Organizations) look at the conditions that make democratic life work.
They found 3 conditions that existed when the city-state of Athens was founded. Athenian democracy has long been held as a bastion for how men should govern themselves. The first condition is that the athenian model grew organically from need, it was not imposed from top down. The second condition is their system was holistic - it considered all aspects of social order, not just commercial advantage. Third is the system was based on participatory structures.
How do you get people to give freely? It goes without saying that a well-directed team can accomplish a lot more than a gaggle of egos. In modern times though, the juggling act is between the interests of the individual and the interests of the collective - be they corporate/institution or state owned (or cooperative).
In the Athenian model the interests of the individual are indivisible from the interests of the state - as the state is merely a collection of individuals. When 2 or more people are able to manage the PIE, the larger assemblage transcends the older pyramid form. The whole PIE is the 3rd win in the win-win-win scenario: You and I are part of - and dependent on - a whole. If I win and you lose, the whole loses and therefore I must lose. If I win and you win but the larger whole loses, we both must lose. If I win and you win and we add value to the whole, all will profit.
Groups of empowered citizens will naturally form empowered clusters and teams, if the formation is managed as such... To manage ourselves as Jaguar-kings (and queens) we must must give equal value to Nature's capital -> its «structural capital», its «client capital» and to our own contribution... it's «creative capital». Financial capital is limited to the element FIRE, but the other 3 will serve an enterprising SPIRIT.
To balance that ideal in reality though, the new system must include a code of « moral reciprocity » with terms and conditions of engagement spelled out. The authors suggest 5 kinds of « best practice » we can include in our collaborative contracts: Practices of Engagemen, Practices of Access, Practices of Process, Practices of Consequence, and Practices of Jurisdiction.
Practices of « Engagement » are the framework for citizenship: Why are we banding together? A group of teachers might open a school, doctors operate a clinic, mechanics own a garage - Engagement demands actions so who does what, when, how... What are we engaging in, how does it translate into day-to-day routines what are the payoffs?
Practices of « Access » deal with governance and self-direction - ensuring that every partner is participating in every aspect of leadership - like ruling... and being ruled. It has to do with equity in enabling and empowering.
Practices of « Process » have to do with decision-making and execution for the common good so transparency and continuous training and communication and team-building and all.
Practices of « Consequence » have to do with seeing the process as evolutionary and not an end in itself. Merit and accountability play out here - every citizen must feel his or her effort is rewarded for its value as a contribution to the greater good. The athenian model included every process for recall, recount, reversal or misguided policies or outdated notions.
Practices of jurisdiction oversee the other 4, and ensure that decisions are made at the appropriate place, by appropriate thinkers. Citizen-participation is nice but do you want the fox volunteering to babysit the chickens? Let generals decide on war, diplomats do politics and bidness-folk can stick to business. Why should we toss our opinions around when there are tools and templates for creative thinking?
I usually test people to see how nice they want to play before I engage in long-term relationships with them. Especially when there's money to be made. It's been known to blind some.
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