RAPTURE implies living in Paradise and that means God's rule of law (unconditional love) has been actualized in Earth's temporal affairs. Of course, as love is magic, that doing transforms this world into Heaven-on-Earth for the doer..
It can, however, be subjectively willed.
The idea of a personal responsibility in the actualization of a "theocratic world" is championed by many, including Dr. Robert Muller - former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations for 4 administrations, and now Chancellor-Emeritus at the University For Peace in Costa Rica. His vision has been adopted by countless thousands of people worldwide as it requires no organizational matrix - except the will of its adherents.
An all-volunteer initiative, Genesis II was founded as a think-tank where visions of whole-Earth could bring citizens together in Spirit, and where invited guests would forge ideas on becoming better stewards and managers of the Biosphere. Like all initiatives, there is an agenda.
In 1979, all people were invited to join the conspiracy. At the time, I worked on disability issues and Dr. Müller wrote to ask me to do all I could to advance that cause, while working behind the scenes on the « Genesis II » whole-Earth agenda.
In 1987, Genesis II asked people of good faith to abandon their "isms" in a harmonic convergence that would empower them through service to love alone, as that would detach us from any commitment except those that can save the world from its folly.
Until a December 2012 deadline, everyone is now being asked to do all that we can to actualize God's creative intent - as expressed in the following poesy - so we'll turn the tide and avoid disaster:
"And God saw that all Nations of the Earth, black and white, poor and rich, from North and South, from East and West, and of all creeds were sending their emissaries to a tall glass house on the shores of the River of the Rising Sun, on the Island of Manhattan, to study together, to think together and to care together for the world and all its people.
And God said: That is good. And it was the first day of a New Age of the Earth.
"And God saw that soldiers of peace were separating the combatants of quarrelling Nations, that differences were being resolved by negotiation and reason instead of arms, and that the leaders of Nations were seeing each other, talking to each other and joining their hearts, minds, souls and strength for the benefit of all humanity.
And God said: That is good. And it was the second day of the Planet of Peace.
"And God saw that humans were loving the whole Creation, the stars and the sun, the day and the night, the air and the oceans, the earth and the waters, the fishes and the fowl, the flowers and the herbs, and all their human brethren and sisters.
And God said: That is good. And it was the third day of the Happy Planet.
"And God saw that humans were suppressing hunger, disease, ignorance and suffering all over the globe, providing each human person with a decent conscious and happy life, and reducing the greed, the power and the wealth of the few.
And God said: That is good. And it was the fourth day of the Planet of Justice.
"And God saw that humans were living in harmony with their planet and in peace with one another, wisely managing their resources, avoiding waste, curbing excesses, replacing hatred with love, greed with contentment, arrogance with humility, division with cooperation, and mistrust with understanding.
And God said: That is good. And it was the fifth day of the Golden Planet.
"And God saw that people were destroying their arms, bombs, missiles, warships and warplanes, dismantling their bases and disbanding their armies, keeping only policemen of peace to protect the good from the bad and the normal from the mad.
And God said: That is good. And it was the sixth day of the Planet of Reason.
"And God saw humans restore God and the human person as the Alpha and Omega, reducing institutions, beliefs, politics, governments and all human entities to mere servants of God and of the people. And God saw them adopt as their supreme law: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength. You shall love your neighbour as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these."
And God said: That is good. And it was the seventh day of the Planet of God."
Stardate 2005-2012: Men and Women of the Planet of God are invited to participate in a re-alignment of Earth's management matrix, by mastering the curriculum, climbing a leader ladder and becoming Planetary Angels.
You can integrate the 7 days of Genesis II in a quantum jump: Learn how!