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How to prosper in the cyber-jungles

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You may be online but does your team know how to use the new technologies to their best advantage? Can they "think digital"? The game is evolving and Internet is now a key tool. Order this seminar for your sales or marketing team.

The times have changed and today we can communicate and transact locally, regionally, globally and virtually, in real time, all the time, and in multimedia. This seminar illustrates that potential and the benefits of e-commerce doing (business on the Internet) in any business situation and of i-commerce (branding yourself, your talent or your creative capital for worldwide distribution).

Learn about the cyber market from starting your BIS (brand identity statement) to building market share by using all the promotion, sales and support possibilities of your « IBI - internet branded image ».

After creating and maintaining a virtual presence that sells and serves your interests, stalk the cyberjungles with a strategy that uses your creative sales force. Find out about developing relationships and prospecting for "potential" that is more than virtual. Spend a few hours discovering how to use the web to prospect, select, sollicit, sell and serve.

We'll first cover the big picture: The Internet seen as a mall, a library, a meeting room or a global brain, and other options. Then get into some nitty-gritty: Cyberselling ideas, the magic of a web presence, personal touches, the selling potential and web ethics, prospecting, "niche marketing", "mining", personalized mass selling, sales campaigns. We'll examine email strategies, understand the medium -vs- the message, look at web site promotion and advertising, see how to build click-through points and learn about web-directed hype, public service, follow-throughs, tie-ins, multimedia, and more.

Enjoy this trek into cyberspace jungles.

The following will give you a great overview of selling with the Internet:

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